October 15, 2015
8 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
8 - 8:45 am
Registration and check-in
8:45 - 9 am
Tim Daly, Gwinnett County UGA
Cooperative Extension Agent
9 - 10 am
"Troubleshooting Problems in the
Landscape," Dr. Bodie Pennisi,
UGA Professor of Horticulture
10-11 am
"Recent Issues in Turfgrass Weed Control"
Dr. Patrick McCullough, UGA Extension
Turfgrass Specialist
11 am - 12 pm
"Diagnosing Common Fall Diseases in the
Landscape," Dr. Elizabeth Little,
UGA Assistant Professor of Plant
12 - 1 pm
1 - 2 pm
"Proper Watering Techniques to Enhance
Plant Health," Patrick Mawhinney,
Owner, Prestige Shrub and Tree, LLC
2 - 3 pm
"Pesticide Safety Awarness," Tim Daly,
Gwinnett County UGA Cooperative
Extension Agent
3 - 3:15 pm
Conclusion and credits
Location: Building 100, Room 401, Gwinnett Technical College, 5150 Sugarloaf Parkway, Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Pre-registration is required by October 13.
To pre-register or if you have any questions, please contact Timothy Daly, Gwinnett County Extension Agent at 678-377-4010 or tdaly@uga.edu.
Cost: $10 per person payable by cash or check (payable to Gwinnett County Extension/4-H). No credit cards.
CEUs Available:
5 Pesticide Applicator credits in Categories 24
1 Private Pesticide Applicator credit
5 ISA Arborist credits