Welcome to the GAA

A resource for tree care professionals and the public to protect and care for Georgia's trees.

    All Events

      • November 06, 2024
      • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
      • VIRTUAL

      November 6, 2024

      TRAQ Renewal VIRTUAL Course

      9:00am - 4:00pm Eastern

      Registration Closes:

      October 6, 2024


      Co-hosted event with ISA Southern Chapter, ISA Texas Chapter, & MW-ISA Chapter

      • $280 - ISA Member AND a member of cooperating Chapter (Southern, TX, MW, GAA)
      • $330 - ISA Member ONLY
      • $340 - NON - ISA Member, BUT a member of a cooperating Chapter (Southern, TX, MW, GAA)

      This is a virtual renewal option and is only available for those that already have the TRAQ credential. Please read the “ISA TRAQ Application Guide” to be very clear about the course prerequisites and renewal requirements and details about the credential and the courses. Applicants for the course must register 30 days prior to the session they plan to attend. Additional information about deadlines/refunds/cancellations can be found on the ISA Southern Chapter website at https://www.isasouthern.org/traq-events  

      Click HERE to Register for November 6 Renewal Course (Closes October 6 or when capacity is reached)

      • November 12, 2024
      • 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM
      • ZOOM

      Monthly Virtual Training:

      Forest Health Concerns after Hurricane Helene

      November 12th 6:15-7:30 pm. with Dr. Elizabeth McCarty

      1 ISA CEU 

      The presentation covers forest insects and diseases that may increase as a result of Hurricane Helene.  Topics include bark beetles, pitch canker, GA and FL forest health observations after Hurricane Michael, and guidance to support landowners.

      Who should attend this webinar? 

      About Dr. Elizabeth McCarty

      Elizabeth McCarty is the Forest Health Specialist with the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources at the University of Georgia. Her areas of specialization include forest entomology, insecticide use in trees, environmental risk of insecticides, and aquatic entomology. 

      Time: 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm


      6:15 pm-6:30 pm: Introduction & settle in, Q&A rules, & CEU sign in instructions

      6:30 pm-7:30 pm: Training Session

      Cost: FREE to all GAA Members and Business Supporters.  $20 for non-members

      ISA CEUS: 1


      Please email us at info@georgiaarborist.org

      ***This training is recorded and will be sent by email to all registrants within a week of the event***


      Please email us at info@georgiaarborist.org

      ***This training is recorded and will be sent by email to all registrants within a week of the event***

      • November 20, 2024
      • June 18, 2025
      • 7 sessions
      • ZOOM [VIRTUAL]

      Webinar de Temas de Arboricultura Virtual en Zoom

      1 sesión virtual por mes hasta junio 2025

      12pm EST- 1pm EST

      registro requerido

      Tenemos una nueva oportunidad educativa disponible para trabajdores de arbol hispanohablantes. La serie Raising Trees o Creciendo Arboles tendrá un webinar en Español cada mes empesando en 09 de octubre. En cada webinar puedes aprender sobre temas de arboricultura que te ayudaran en tu trabajo y para estudiar para el Examin de Arbolista certificiado por la ISA. 

      The Raising Trees Webinar Series will begin offering a monthly one-hour webinar in Spanish beginning October 09. Retitled as Creciendo Arboles, this webinar is co-produced by Auburn University Extension and the University of Georgia. 

      Programa del seminario web

       Fecha Horario  Tema  Descripción 
       9 de octubre  12pm EST Conceptos básicos de la poda prescrita en Arboles Aprenda los métodos de poda que promuevan la salud y estética de los árboles, minimizando el daño al árbol.
       20 de noviembre  12pm EST conciencia sobre los peligros de líneas eléctricas: Seguridad del trabajador de arboles El programa explica el estándar de la industria de la arboricultura para trabajar cerca de las líneas eléctricas y otros servicios públicos.
       08 de enero  12pm EST selección del sitio y establecimiento de árboles Proporciona Información sobre la selección de sitio adecuado, preparación, el mejor proceso de plantación, y el mantenimiento subsecuente de árboles urbanos.
       12 de febrero  12pm EST Preservación de árboles durante la construcción Describe los mejores métodos para mitigar el daño a los árboles cerca de sitios de construcción y áreas donde hay excavaciones.
       14 de marzo  12pm EST La importancia de un suelo saludable para el crecimiento de árboles urbanos Explica técnicas para proteger y tratar los suelos en beneficio de los arboles en áreas urbanas
       09 de abril  12pm EST Identificación y manejo de especies invasivas que afectan los arboles Especies invasivas Identificación y manejo de especies invasivas que afectan los arboles.
       14 de mayo  12pm EST Identificación y Evaluación de Peligros para trabajadores de Industria Arborícola Identificación y Evaluación de Peligros para trabajadores de Industria Arborícola, y como implementar las mejores prácticas de seguridad en la industria
       18 de junio  12pm EST Irrigación para árboles urbanos: Agua desde el suelo hasta las hojas Analiza formas de proporcionar agua a los árboles basándose en la irrigación eficiente y lo ultimo en Tecnología de riego en la arboricultura

      Para registro por favor entre su informacion aqui:

      Enlace Para Registro


      • December 04, 2024
      • 8:00 AM
      • December 06, 2024
      • 4:00 PM
      • Preston Ridge Community Center 3655 Preston Ridge Road Suite 100, room 203 Alpharetta, GA 30005
      • 46


      Curso de preparacion para el examen de arborista certificado por la ISA®

      ISA Certified Arborist®  Exam Review Course


      Preston Ridge Community Center

      3655 Preston Ridge Road Suite 100, room 203

      Alpharetta, GA 30005

      04 - 06 de diciembre, 2024

      miercoles/jueves: 8 am- 4pm

      viernes: 8-12

      Fecha límite de inscripción: 01 de diciembre, 2024

      Premier Sponsor:

      (could be YOU!)


      $50 - Miembros de la GAA

      $118 - No miembros (incluye 1 año de membresía a GAA)

      $350 - Patrocinio del almuerzo

      (limite de 2 patrocinadores)

      ***Oportunidades de becas disponibles: consulte la sección Notas importantes para conocer el proceso y la elegibilidad***

      Presentado por:  

      Frank Saldana, CA y Miguel Sarabia, CA

      About our speakers: 

      Durante dos sesiones de día completo, los instructores y arboristas certificados Frank Saldana y Miguel Sarabia ayudarán a los asistentes a prepararse para el examen con charlas que cubrirán la biología de los árboles, la identificación de los árboles, la ciencia del suelo, el manejo del agua, la nutrición y fertilización de los árboles, la selección, instalación y establecimiento de árboles, la poda, el soporte de los árboles y la protección contra rayos, el diagnóstico y los trastornos de las plantas, el cuidado de la salud de las plantas, la evaluación de los árboles y la gestión de riesgos, los árboles y la construcción, la silvicultura urbana, la seguridad de los trabajadores de los árboles y la escalada y el trabajo en los árboles. Los asistentes también aprenderán sobre la elegibilidad para el examen y sobre cómo rendirlo.


      Los asistentes deben combinar esta clase con el estudio de la Guía de estudio para arboristas certificados por la ISA (no incluida en la inscripción al curso). Los primeros 5 registrantes recibiran una copia de la guia gratis. 

      Los asistentes son responsables de completar su propia solicitud para el examen a través de la ISA. Este es un proceso de 2 pasos que comienza con una solicitud y, una vez aprobada por la ISA, puede registrarse para la fecha y el lugar del examen que elija. Las tarifas del examen las maneja la ISA y no están incluidas en la inscripción para este curso. Puede encontrar una copia de la Guía de solicitud para arboristas certificados de la ISA AQUISi tiene alguna pregunta sobre el proceso, ¡la GAA puede ayudarte!


      Hay becas disponibles para trabajadores de cuidado de árboles con un mínimo de 3 años de experiencia en la industria y que vivan o trabajen dentro del área del mapa CJEST 

      Los solicitantes deben estar empleados dentro del estado de Georgia. La beca cubre el costo del curso y el libro de estudio, pero no incluye la membresía gratuita. Puede solicitar una beca aquí. Si solicita una beca, asegúrese de registrarse para mantener su lugar; en lugar de pagar, simplemente elija "facturarme". La fecha límite para solicitar la beca es el 1 de diciembre de 2024.


      ***Para aquellos que quieran inscribirse en el curso como actualización y ya sean arboristas certificados, pueden recibir 15 CEU.******


      Coming soon. 

       ¿Tiene preguntas? Comuníquese con un administrador de GAA al 470-768-8530 o al correo electrónico maria@georgiaarborist.org

      • December 06, 2024
      • 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
      • 1 Galambos Way Sandy Springs GA 30328
      • 44

      Utility SpecialisT Overview

      1 Galambos Way, Sandy Springs, GA 30328
      CS - Barfield 2nd Floor

      December 6th, 2024

      8am until 3pm
      Lunch Provided

      This course is designed as an overview of the Utility Specialist Study Guide.

      Utility Arboriculture: The Utility Specialist Certification Study Guide

      This book provides utility arborists and foresters with the information necessary to navigate the complexities of today’s vegetation management industry.

      It covers the latest methods and techniques in the areas of safety, program and personnel management, utility pruning, integrated vegetation management, electrical knowledge, storm preparation and response, and communications.

      The course will go through the guide chapter by chapter with an in depth look at the material and give you the opportunity to ask questions to one of the co-authors of the book, Randy Miller. 


      8:00-8:30 -- Registration and Check In
      8:30 am – 9:30 am -- Introduction (History and UVM background)

       9:30 am - 10:15 am -- Safety

      10:15 am – 11:00 am -- Pruning

      11:00 am – 11:45  am -- Integrated Vegetation Management

      11:45 am – 12:30 pm -- Lunch

      12:30 pm – 1:15 pm -- Electrical Knowledge

      1:15 pm – 2:00 pm -- Storm Preparation and Response

      2:00 pm - 2:45 pm -- Communication

      2:45 pm – 3:00 pm -- Questions, Wrap-Up, Survey and CEUs

      About the Instructor, Randy Miller

      Randall H. Miller serves as the director of research and development for Eocene Environmental Group. Randall received his Bachelor of Science in horticulture from the University of Wisconsin-Madison before obtaining his Master of Science in urban forestry from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. He has more than three decades of experience, previously working as director of vegetation management for PacifiCorp and serving on ACRT’s board of directors.

      Randall serves on the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Board of Directors, has been chair of the TREE Fund Board of Trustees, president of the Utility Arborist Association (UAA) and twice chair of the Edison Electric Institute Vegetation Management Task Force. He has also served on the ISA Certification Test Committee and many other industry committees. Randall is the author of the ISA Integrated Vegetation Management Best Management Practices and co-author of the Utility Specialist Study Guide. He speaks widely on arboricultural topics and performs formal utility vegetation management (UVM) surveys of North American utilities.

      When he isn’t working, Randall enjoys bicycle and motorcycle riding, hiking and skiing.

      • December 11, 2024
      • 8:00 AM
      • December 13, 2024
      • 12:00 PM
      • Oatland Island Wildlife Center 711 Sandtown Rd. Savannah, gA 31410


      ISA Certified Arborist®  Exam Review Course

      Location: Oatland Island Wildlife Center

      711 Sandtown Rd.
      Savannah Georgia 31410

      December 11-13th, 2024

      Wednesday/Thursday: 8 am- 5pm

      Friday: 8-12

      Registration Deadline: December 1, 2024

      Premier Sponsor:


      $150 - GAA Members

      $218 - Non-members (includes 1 year of Membership to GAA)

      $350 - Lunch Sponsorship

      (limit of 2 sponsors)

      ***Scholarship Opportunities Available - see Important Notes section for process and eligibility***

      Presented by:  

      Rob Swanson and Kay Evanovich

      About our speakers: 

      Over two full day sessions, experienced instructors and certified arborists Rob Swanson and Kay Evanovich will help attendees prepare for the exam with talks covering Tree Biology, Tree Identification, Soil Science, Water Management, Tree Nutrition and Fertilization, Tree Selection, Installation and Establishment, Pruning, Tree Support and Lightning Protection, Diagnosis and Plant Disorders, Plant Health Care, Tree Assessment and Risk Management, Trees and Construction, Urban Forestry, Tree Worker Safety, and Climbing & Working in Trees.  Attendees will also learn about eligibility for the exam and taking the exam.


      Attendees should combine this class with the study of the ISA Certified Arborists' Study Guide (not included in course registration).  The GAA has a limited number of copies available in exchange for a donation to the GAA.  You can make your donation here.

      Attendees are responsible for completing their own application for the exam through the ISA.  This is a 2 step process which begins with an application, and once approved by the ISA you can register for the exam date and location of your choice.  Exam fees are handled by ISA and are not included in registration for this course.  You can find a copy of the ISA Certified Arborist Application Guide HERE.  If you have any questions about the process, the GAA is happy to help!

      Scholarships are available to tree board members and tree care workers employed by a city, county, school or university who are not already ISA Certified Arborists.  Scholarships are sponsored by the Georgia Forestry Commission.  Applicants must be employed within the State of Georgia.  Scholarship covers the $150 cost of the course, but does not include free membership.  You may apply for scholarship here.  If applying for scholarship please be sure to register to hold your spot - instead of paying just choose "invoice me". Scholarship application deadline is May 1, 2024.


      ***For those who want to register for the course as a refresher, and are already certified arborists you can receive 15 CEUS.  CEU sign in sheets are virtual and will be provided to the class in the chat window at the end of each session.  If you do not submit your sign in sheet, you will not receive CEUs.***


      Best Western Savannah Historic District  

      412 West Bay Street | Savannah | GA | 31401
      P: (912) 233-1011 – Main  


      Please use this link to reserve a room:



      Questions? Contact GAA Administrator at 404-913-1422 or at info@georgiaarborist.org

      • February 05, 2025
      • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
      • VIRTUAL

      February 5, 2025

      TRAQ Renewal VIRTUAL Course

      9:00am - 4:00pm Eastern

      Registration Closes:

      January 4, 2025


      Co-hosted event with ISA Southern Chapter, ISA Texas Chapter, & MW-ISA Chapter

      • $280 - ISA Member AND a member of cooperating Chapter (Southern, TX, MW, GAA)
      • $330 - ISA Member ONLY
      • $340 - NON - ISA Member, BUT a member of a cooperating Chapter (Southern, TX, MW, GAA)

      This is a virtual renewal option and is only available for those that already have the TRAQ credential. Please read the “ISA TRAQ Application Guide” to be very clear about the course prerequisites and renewal requirements and details about the credential and the courses. Applicants for the course must register 30 days prior to the session they plan to attend. Additional information about deadlines/refunds/cancellations can be found on the ISA Southern Chapter website at https://www.isasouthern.org/traq-events  

    Past events

    October 23, 2024 Savannah Member Social
    October 15, 2024 Webinar: A Comprehensive Overview of DOT Compliance Requirements
    October 12, 2024 NUEVA FECHA: identificación y manejo de especies invasoras
    October 11, 2024 ESPAÑOL Tree Health Assessment; Evaluación de la Salud del árbol
    October 01, 2024 Salud y Manejo de Suelos + SoilSHOP; análisis de suelo gratuito
    September 23, 2024 Spanish Course: Primeros auxilios, RCP y DEA
    September 23, 2024 CPR & First Aid Certification Training
    September 20, 2024 26th Annual Georgia Tree Climbing Championship (SPONSOR REGISTRATION)
    September 20, 2024 26th Annual Tree Climbing Championship (Competitor)
    September 19, 2024 VOLUNTEER SIGN UP-26th Annual Tree Climbing Championship & Trees Unite Us Conference
    September 18, 2024 10th Annual "Saluting Branches" - GAA Volunteer Day
    September 16, 2024 ISA Certified Arborist® Virtual Exam Prep Course
    September 10, 2024 Webinar: Adapting Tree Selection for the Changing Climate
    August 29, 2024 Webinar: Rehabilitating Drought Stressed Trees
    August 21, 2024 Webinar: "SLF: Threats and Management Strategies"
    August 20, 2024 Webinar: Appraising Tree Losses for Insurance Adjusters
    August 17, 2024 Spanish Language Emergency Safety Training for Tree Care Workers
    August 15, 2024 ISA TRAQ Full Course (Atlanta ,GA): Tree Risk Assessment Qualification
    August 11, 2024 ISA TRAQ Renewal Course In Person
    August 10, 2024 Tree and Plant Appraisal Qualification (TPAQ)
    August 07, 2024 TRAQ Renewal VIRTUAL Course
    August 06, 2024 Lunch and Learn: Managing the Ecology of Our Urban Forest
    July 31, 2024 Webinar: Pruning For Performance and Prevention
    July 31, 2024 Free Third Quarter Networking/Breakfast Social (with CEU)
    July 24, 2024 Webinar: PGRs in Tree Care
    July 10, 2024 Webinar: Competing Legal Interests in Street Trees
    July 09, 2024 Webinar: Tree and Plant Appraisal Practices for Professionals
    June 26, 2024 Cuidado adecuado de los árboles 101
    June 19, 2024 Webinar: Tree Appraisal and the Principle of Substitution
    June 18, 2024 Webinar: Combating Boring Insects in Trees
    June 12, 2024 Wildfire Risk Reduction Qualification (WRRQ)
    June 11, 2024 Lunch and Learn: Introduction to Florida's Prescription Pruning Qualification
    June 04, 2024 Southeast Green Conference
    May 29, 2024 ISA TRAQ Full Course (Savannah ,GA): Tree Risk Assessment Qualification
    May 21, 2024 Georgia Tree Council Second Quarter Program
    May 18, 2024 GAA Social Event -- TreeStuff Recreational Climb Party
    May 15, 2024 ISA Certified Arborist® Exam Prep Course (ALPHARETTA, GA)
    May 14, 2024 Introduction to Arborist Apprenticeship for Tree Care Businesses
    May 01, 2024 TRAQ Renewal VIRTUAL Course
    April 18, 2024 GAA Happy Hour & Education: Gear Check: How to Inspect and Maintain Gear and When To Retire
    April 09, 2024 Lunch and Learn with Save Georgia's Hemlocks
    March 26, 2024 Trees Atlanta - Speaker Series: Thriving with Native Plants in Atlanta
    March 12, 2024 The High Voltage Safety Act
    March 11, 2024 March 2024 ISA Certified Arborist® Virtual Exam Prep Course
    February 28, 2024 Trees Atlanta - Lunch and Learn: Friend or Foe? Bamboo in Atlanta's Urban Forest and Beyond
    February 25, 2024 SMA's Municipal Forestry Institute
    February 20, 2024 First Quarter Program and State Arbor Day Event 2024
    February 14, 2024 Trees Atlanta's Speaker Series: Urban Tree Care 101
    February 13, 2024 Trees Atlanta - The Future of Urban Trees and Green Stormwater Infrastructure
    February 07, 2024 TRAQ Renewal VIRTUAL Course
    February 05, 2024 UGA's Forest Health Webinar Series
    January 09, 2024 Trees & Georgia Law 1.0
    January 06, 2024 GAA Annual New Year's Celebration & Awards Banquet (2023 Awards)
    December 06, 2023 ISA TRAQ Full Course (COLUMBUS,GA): Tree Risk Assessment Qualification
    November 14, 2023 Arborist Entrepreneur - Proper Business Set up for Success
    November 03, 2023 2023 GAA Trees Unite Us Conference & Networking Social
    November 03, 2023 COMPETITOR REGISTRATION-25th Annual Tree Climbing Championship & Trees Unite Us Conference
    November 03, 2023 VOLUNTEER SIGN UP-25th Annual Tree Climbing Championship & Trees Unite Us Conference
    November 03, 2023 SPONSOR/VENDOR REGISTRATION: 25th Annual Tree Climbing Championship & Trees Unite Us Conference
    November 01, 2023 TRAQ Renewal VIRTUAL Course
    October 28, 2023 Walking, Past The Dead, Tree Tour
    October 17, 2023 ISA Certified Arborist® Virtual Exam Prep Course
    October 14, 2023 Safe use of cranes in urban trees (in Spanish)
    September 29, 2023 Spanish Education Workshop - Introducción a la Arboricultura: Curso corto de cuidado de árboles
    September 29, 2023 Spanish Education Workshop - Introduction to Arboriculture:Tree Care Short Course
    September 28, 2023 Urban Tree Health Workshop
    September 22, 2023 2023 Fall Pruning Workshop, COASTAL
    September 20, 2023 "Saluting Branches" - GAA Volunteer Day
    September 12, 2023 Insurance - For the Consulting Arborist: Navigating Insurance Coverage and Safety Practices
    August 25, 2023 GAA Summer Workshop: One Tree, Many Perspectives - Successful Projects through Team Work & Communication
    August 02, 2023 TRAQ Renewal VIRTUAL Course
    July 28, 2023 GAA Happy Hour & Education: INVESTIGATING THE STRUCTURAL SOUNDNESS OF A TREE: The Resistograph®
    July 12, 2023 Urban Wood Re-Utilization Workshop
    July 11, 2023 Trees & Georgia Law
    June 30, 2023 GAA Happy Hour & Education: Supplemental Support Systems for Trees
    June 29, 2023 Free Lunch and learn at Decatur Public Works Trees 101 Permitting Process
    June 29, 2023 ISA Certified Arborist, Utility Specialist, and Municipal Specialist Exam
    June 08, 2023 ISA Certified Arborist® Exam Prep Course (ATHENS, GA)
    May 23, 2023 Eutree/Lamon Luther Shop Tour: Behind the Scenes Wood Manufacturing
    May 16, 2023 FREE VIRTUAL TRAINING: Healthy Trees, Healthy Lives
    May 09, 2023 Thinking of Plant Health Care as a Program
    May 03, 2023 TRAQ Renewal VIRTUAL Course
    April 22, 2023 Spanish Education Workshop - EHAP/Aerial Rescue
    April 22, 2023 Spanish Education Workshop - EHAP/Aerial Rescue
    April 18, 2023 ISA Certified Arborist® Virtual Exam Prep Course
    April 15, 2023 WASE EVENT: Spring Tree ID Walk
    April 12, 2023 ISA TRAQ Full Course: Tree Risk Assessment Qualification
    April 04, 2023 ISA Certified Arborist, Utility Specialist, and Municipal Specialist Exam
    April 01, 2023 Walking Past the Dead: Spring Tree Tour
    March 31, 2023 EVENT CANCELLED - GAA Happy Hour & Education: Utility & Commercial Arboriculture - Working Together
    March 14, 2023 Chainsaw Safety Presentation
    March 04, 2023 Urban Wood in Savannah - Re:Purpose Savannah
    February 27, 2023 ISA Certified Arborist® Exam Prep Course (COLUMBUS, GA)
    February 24, 2023 INDUSTRY EVENT: University of Georgia Horticulture - Pruning Workshop
    February 16, 2023 Woodbine Tree Care Seminar
    January 10, 2023 Lightning & Trees: Prevention & Treatment
    January 07, 2023 GAA New Year's Celebration & Awards Banquet
    December 08, 2022 Hands On Course: Introduction to Climbing
    December 03, 2022 Using Cranes in Tree Removal (in Spanish)
    December 03, 2022 Utilizando Grúas en Remoción de Arboles
    December 02, 2022 2022 Winter Pruning Workshop, Augusta
    November 30, 2022 ISA TRAQ Full Course
    November 29, 2022 ISA TRAQ Renewal Course
    November 17, 2022 24th Annual Georgia Trees Unite Us Conference & Climbing Championships
    November 15, 2022 Tree Root Bridges: When They Are Needed, How Do They work, And How To Build Them
    October 29, 2022 6th Annual Walking, Past The Dead, Tree Tour - Volunteers Needed!
    October 24, 2022 ISA Certified Arborist® Exam Prep Course
    October 19, 2022 Cox Arboretum Tour with Tom Cox and Ashley Frasca
    October 14, 2022 Asheville Carolina Canopy Workshop - 14 October 2022
    October 14, 2022 Arborist Training - Intermediate Climbing & Rigging Techniques
    October 11, 2022 Urban Ag Council: Networking & Education Dinner
    October 10, 2022 GAA Training: Utility Arboriculture Explained
    October 07, 2022 2022 Fall Pruning Workshop, Rome
    September 28, 2022 2022 Campus Tree Conference
    September 28, 2022 "Saluting Branches" -- Coastal Opportunity Volunteer Day
    September 28, 2022 "Saluting Branches" -- GAA Volunteer Day
    September 25, 2022 Municipal Forestry Institute (MFI) 2022
    September 21, 2022 Trees Atlanta Ask the Arborist: Trees for Dry Conditions
    September 17, 2022 Técnicas avanzadas de cordaje (rigging)
    September 17, 2022 Advanced Rigging Techniques (in Spanish)
    September 08, 2022 Trees Atlanta Speaker Series: Restoration of Old Growth Montane Longleaf Pine Forest at Berry College - Progress and Challenges
    August 18, 2022 Summer Workshop- Advanced Arboriculture Practices: From the Ground Up
    August 16, 2022 GAA Training: Bio Char & Soils
    August 09, 2022 South Carolina ALB Meeting
    August 08, 2022 Trees Atlanta Speaker Series: Now is the Time for Trees
    August 04, 2022 ISA Certified Arborist® Exam Review Course
    July 12, 2022 GAA Training: Micro-injections - Best Practices
    June 03, 2022 Women’s Tree Climbing Workshop
    May 24, 2022 ISA Certified Arborist, Utility Specialist, and Municipal Specialist Exam
    May 20, 2022 GAA Training Special Training Event: How to Build a Training Team For and From Your Hispanic Workforce
    May 17, 2022 GAA Training: Wood Waste Management: The Challenges & Opportunities
    April 27, 2022 ISA Certified Arborist® Exam Prep Course
    April 22, 2022 Murphey Candler Park 5th Annual Earth Day Spring Social
    April 22, 2022 Trees & Law Workshop: Guide to Neighbor Law and Negligence Workshop
    April 21, 2022 Trees & Law Workshop: Succeeding as an Expert Witness Workshop
    April 11, 2022 GAA Training: Soil Fracturing & Organic Treatments
    April 06, 2022 ISA TRAQ Full Course
    April 05, 2022 ISA TRAQ Renewal Course
    April 02, 2022 Walking Past the Dead: Spring Tree Tour
    March 24, 2022 Pest Manager Webinar
    March 23, 2022 City of Decatur Tree Ordinance Training Session
    March 18, 2022 City of Decatur Tree Ordinance Training Session
    March 18, 2022 Georgians for a Safer Tree Industry Meeting
    March 10, 2022 Natural Management/Small Woodlot Virtual Webinars
    March 08, 2022 GAA Training: Palms4U
    March 04, 2022 Southeastern Green Industry Update
    February 25, 2022 DDC Friends of the American Chestnut: Arbor Day Restoration Celebration
    February 22, 2022 Trees, Equity, and Community Engagement: A Virtual Program / State Arbor Day Event
    February 22, 2022 Ornamental and Turf Licensing Exam Training
    February 19, 2022 Celebrate Arbor Day - Free Bicentennial Tree to the first 200 City of Decatur Residents
    February 14, 2022 GAA Training - The 411 on Wood Decay in Living Trees
    January 11, 2022 GAA Training: Safety Training
    January 11, 2022 ISA Certified Arborist® Exam Course
    December 03, 2021 2021 Pruning Workshop, Athens
    November 19, 2021 2021 Pruning Workshop, Guyton
    November 11, 2021 Competitor/Volunteer Registration for Georgia Trees Unite Us Conference & Climbing Championships
    November 11, 2021 Attendee Registration for Georgia Trees Unite Us Conference & Climbing Championships
    November 11, 2021 Sponsorship Registration for Georgia Trees Unite Us Conference & Climbing Championships
    November 03, 2021 Innovations in Community Forestry" Annual Georgia Tree Conference Webinar
    October 28, 2021 Facilitando la selección de especies de árboles urbanos en un clima cambiante: desarrollo de una aplicación web
    October 15, 2021 Basic Climbing Techniques & Aplications
    October 12, 2021 Pesticide Policy, Uses, and Risks
    September 25, 2021 Uso Seguro de la Motosierra y Tala de Árboles
    September 22, 2021 "Saluting Branches" -- GAA Volunteer Day
    August 19, 2021 Summer Workshop- Turf, Trees, & Soil: An Uneasy Alliance
    August 10, 2021 CAA Training: Tree Planting
    August 03, 2021 Southern Urban Wood Forum
    July 20, 2021 ISA Certified Arborist® Exam Course
    July 13, 2021 GAA Training: Tree Consultations: Tools, Methods, and Knowledge
    June 25, 2021 Pine Bark Beetles in Urban Areas
    June 24, 2021 Pest Manager Webinar: Weather and Pest Control and Sanitizers and Disinfectants
    June 23, 2021 When the Storm Hits: Is Your Urban Forest Ready?
    May 11, 2021 GAA Training: Tree Rigging, Efficiency and Safety
    April 06, 2021 ISA Southern Chapter Annual Conference and Trade Show
    March 12, 2021 Aerial Rescue Techniques
    March 09, 2021 GAA Training:Urban Trees: Pests, Diseases, & Solutions
    March 02, 2021 ISA Certified Arborist® Exam Course
    February 25, 2021 UGA Extension Southeastern GREEN INDUSTRY Update
    February 23, 2021 Advanced Level II - Natural Area Management Services Webinar
    February 23, 2021 Georgia Tree Council: Trees and Electrical Safety
    February 22, 2021 GAA Special Event: Winter Tree ID
    February 09, 2021 CAA Training: Expand your Business with DOT Contracts.
    January 12, 2021 Grow Your Arborist Career: Credentials Are Important
    December 10, 2020 Creciendo Arboles
    December 08, 2020 2020 Winter Workshop and Awards Webinar
    November 13, 2020 Spectator Registration for The 22nd Annual GAA Tree Climbing Competition
    November 13, 2020 The 22nd Annual GAA Tree Climbing Competition
    November 12, 2020 Natural Area Management Services Webinar Series:Introduction to Woodland Health Assessment & Incorporating Woodland Health Practices into Your Business
    November 12, 2020 Getting the Best of Pests - Green Industry Webinar
    November 11, 2020 Requirements for Writing a Tree Prescription for a Municipality
    November 05, 2020 Natural Area Management Services Webinar Series: Land Care Practices for Woodland Health Continued
    October 29, 2020 Natural Area Management Services Webinar Series: Land Care Practices for Woodland Health
    October 22, 2020 Natural Area Management Services Webinar Series: Grow your business
    October 15, 2020 Hands On Chainsaw/Tree Felling Safety Training
    October 14, 2020 CAA Presents:Hurricanes, Wind, Water & Tree Devastation
    October 09, 2020 Southeastern Green Industry Update
    October 06, 2020 Certified Arborist PREP Course
    September 16, 2020 Laurel Wilt "Lunch n Learn'
    September 08, 2020 Georgia Tree Care Industry Economic Impact & Licensing Analysis
    August 27, 2020 Tree Pruning Strategies for our oldest and biggest trees
    August 11, 2020 Chainsaw Safety Resources and Techniques
    July 14, 2020 Bark, Wood Boring, and Ambrosia beetles on Loblolly Pines
    June 18, 2020 How Do I Become a Certified Arborist?
    June 09, 2020 Arboriculture and Bonsai: Similarities and Differences
    May 12, 2020 Tree Prescriptions and Watering Big Trees
    March 24, 2020 On Managing Labor Shortages using Plant Growth Regulators
    March 20, 2020 Trees and the Law Workshop
    March 10, 2020 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    February 20, 2020 Fighting Climate Change with Urban Forests
    February 20, 2020 Pesticide Applicator Licensing Exam Category 24 Ornamental & Turf Preparatory Class
    February 18, 2020 CTSP
    February 11, 2020 ISA TRAQ Full Course
    February 10, 2020 ISA TRAQ Renewal Course
    January 16, 2020 Working with Trees and Saw Safety and Safety Starts at the Tree: Basic Tree And Wood Biology
    January 14, 2020 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    December 12, 2019 2019 Winter Workshop and Awards Luncheon
    December 12, 2019 Arborist Safety & Climbing
    December 11, 2019 Introduction to Tree Climbing for Arborists
    December 06, 2019 Arborist Safety & Climbing
    November 21, 2019 Tree Cleanup & Chainsaw Safety Class
    November 20, 2019 Extreme Weather & Climate Variability: Tree & Forest Health Interactions in the Southeast
    November 19, 2019 Tree & Forest Health Care: Hurricane Michael & Storm Damage – First Year’s “4Rs” – Remove, Repair, Restore, Replant
    November 12, 2019 GAA Bi-monthly Training & Board Election
    November 07, 2019 Trees and Equity, Community Collaboration, and Building the Future Workforce
    October 25, 2019 NAOM Tree Climbing Competition
    October 18, 2019 Arborist Training - Ground Skills and Aerial Support
    October 17, 2019 Hands-On Aerial Rescue Techniques & Applications
    October 09, 2019 Invasive Species First Detector Program - Advanced MG Training
    October 08, 2019 Arborist Certification Review Course
    September 25, 2019 Pest Manager Training
    September 20, 2019 Category 24 Ornamental and Turf Pestiside Applicator Training
    September 18, 2019 "Saluting Branches" -- GAA Volunteer Day
    September 12, 2019 Chainsaw Safety Training
    September 10, 2019 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    August 22, 2019 Summer Symposium: Tree Planting, Propagation, and Preservation in the Urban Forest
    August 11, 2019 ISA International Conference and Trade Show
    July 30, 2019 Pest Manager Training
    July 10, 2019 Coastal Arborist Association July Lunch & Learn
    July 09, 2019 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    June 11, 2019 Arborist Certification Review Course
    June 01, 2019 TreeStuff Party!
    May 22, 2019 Urban Forests of Utility Corridors
    May 20, 2019 UGA Extension Gwinnett Category 41 Mosquito Control Pesticide Applicator Training
    May 14, 2019 GAA Training and General Membership Meeting
    May 03, 2019 Vermeer Southeast Open House
    May 03, 2019 Pest Manager Training
    April 10, 2019 ISA TRAQ Renewal Course
    April 06, 2019 ISA Southern Chapter Annual Conference and Trade Show
    March 26, 2019 Storm-Damaged Tree Cleanup Training
    March 22, 2019 The 21st Annual GAA Tree Climbing Competition
    March 19, 2019 Arborist Certification Review Course
    March 12, 2019 GAA Bi-monthly Training (Free to members)
    March 07, 2019 Aerial Rescue Training for Arborists (Multiple Sessions)
    March 05, 2019 ISA TRAQ Course
    March 04, 2019 ISA TRAQ Renewal Course
    February 22, 2019 UGA Extension Gwinnett: Category 24 Ornamental and Turf Pesticide Applicator Training
    February 13, 2019 Coastal Arborist Association February Lunch & Learn
    February 12, 2019 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    February 05, 2019 ISA Meet & Greet
    December 13, 2018 2018 Winter Workshop and Awards Luncheon
    November 13, 2018 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    October 23, 2018 Georgia Exotic Pest Plant Council Annual Conference
    October 19, 2018 Chipper Operator Safety Workshop
    October 15, 2018 ISA TRAQ Course
    October 14, 2018 Tennessee Urban Forestry Council 27th Annual Conference
    October 11, 2018 Alabama Urban Forestry Association Annual Conference
    September 29, 2018 Electrical Safety Awareness Course
    September 26, 2018 Chainsaw Specialist Workshop
    September 20, 2018 UGA Agroforestry and Wildlife Field Day
    September 19, 2018 "Saluting Branches" -- GAA Volunteer Day
    September 18, 2018 Warnell Continuing Education Program
    September 11, 2018 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    August 23, 2018 Summer Symposium: All Day Training Seminar
    July 10, 2018 GAA Bi-Monthly Training and General Membership Meeting
    June 06, 2018 Coastal Arborist Association June Lunch & Learn
    May 25, 2018 FREE EHAP--Spanish Language 7.0 CEUs
    May 24, 2018 FREE Aerial Lift Specialist--Spanish Language
    May 19, 2018 GAA Family Fun Day and Membership Drive
    May 08, 2018 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    May 08, 2018 Arborist Certification Review Course
    April 11, 2018 Coastal Arborist Association April Lunch & Learn: Dr. Don Gardner
    April 06, 2018 Georgia TCC Educational Programming
    April 06, 2018 The 20th Annual GAA Tree Climbing Competition
    March 24, 2018 ISA Southern Chapter Annual Conference and Trade Show
    March 13, 2018 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    March 02, 2018 Chipper Operator Safety Workshop
    February 23, 2018 UGA Extension Gwinnett: Category 24 Ornamental and Turf Pesticide Applicator Training
    February 20, 2018 Trees and Power Lines/Electrical Safety Awareness
    February 15, 2018 ISA TRAQ Renewal
    February 07, 2018 Coastal Arborist Association February Lunch & Learn
    February 02, 2018 Pest Manager Training
    February 01, 2018 Chainsaw Safety Training
    January 18, 2018 Urban Ag Council's Landscape Business Boot Camp
    January 17, 2018 Arborist Certification Review Course
    January 09, 2018 GAA Bi-monthly Training with Sharon Lilly
    December 14, 2017 Winter Workshop and Awards Luncheon
    December 08, 2017 ISA Southern Chapter Arborist Master Class
    December 07, 2017 Pest Manager Training
    November 14, 2017 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    November 08, 2017 Coastal Arborist Association November Lunch & Learn
    November 08, 2017 GUFC Annual Conference and Awards Program
    November 07, 2017 Issues and Threats in Tree and Forest Health Care
    October 30, 2017 Georgia Exotic Pest Plant Council Annual Conference
    October 26, 2017 Green Industry/Arborist CPR & First Aid Certification Training
    October 18, 2017 Coastal Arborist Association October Lunch & Learn
    October 16, 2017 ISA TRAQ Training in Statesboro, GA
    October 07, 2017 Women Arborists of the Southeast Presents: Walking Past the Dead Tree Tour
    October 06, 2017 Vermeer SE Presents Arborist Training Seminar
    October 03, 2017 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    October 01, 2017 Atlanta Premier Screening, Felled
    September 25, 2017 Successful Approaches to Recycling Urban Wood Waste for Municipalities
    September 22, 2017 Trees Atlanta Canopy Conference 2017
    September 22, 2017 The Tree Care Industry Association Presents: Electrical Hazards Awareness Program
    September 21, 2017 Trees SC Presents: 2017 Arborists Workshop
    September 20, 2017 "Saluting Branches" -- GAA Volunteer Day
    September 13, 2017 Coastal Arborist Association Lunch & Learn
    September 13, 2017 GUFC Presents: Free Tree care and Pruning Workshop for NE GA
    September 12, 2017 TreesCharlotte Presents: The 6th Annual Urban Forestry Summit
    September 08, 2017 UGA Extension Gwinnett: Georgia Pesticide Applicator Workshop
    August 24, 2017 Keeping wood waste local: It’s good for the bottom line
    August 24, 2017 Summer Symposium: Messing with Mother Nature: Using Amendments, Regulators and Pesticides Responsibly with Trees
    August 15, 2017 Mid-Atlantic Urban Wood Forum
    August 08, 2017 Pest Manager Training
    July 31, 2017 Pest Manager Training
    July 19, 2017 Tree Care and Pruning Workshop
    July 11, 2017 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    June 29, 2017 (POSTPONED)Farming with Trees and Wood, an Urban Wood Use Networking Event
    June 17, 2017 TreeStuff Party
    June 14, 2017 Coastal Arborists June Meeting
    May 31, 2017 Tree Climber Social, "Urban Wood Reuse Equipment Demo"
    May 25, 2017 Aerial Rescue Training Course
    May 11, 2017 EHAP Spanish Language
    May 10, 2017 Coastal Arborist Meeting: Designing Trees into the Urban Landscape
    May 09, 2017 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    May 09, 2017 Apprenticeship Program for Arborist
    April 07, 2017 Tree Inspection Walk & Talk (without TCC)
    April 07, 2017 Aerial Lift and Aerial Rescue Safety Workshop
    April 07, 2017 Safety Update: Industry Statistics and What we can Do About Them, Cordage & SRT
    April 07, 2017 The 19th Annual GAA Tree Climbing Competition
    April 05, 2017 Chipper Operator Specialist Workshop (Light Breakfast, Lunch Included)
    March 30, 2017 Tree Care Training Session / Augusta
    March 28, 2017 Spring Chainsaw Safety and Equipment Show
    March 22, 2017 GUFC Arborist Refresher Course / Dry Branch, GA
    March 22, 2017 Tree Climber Social, "Small Wood Lot Management"
    March 17, 2017 UGA Horticulture: Pruning Workshop
    March 16, 2017 Tree Risk Management Workshop
    March 14, 2017 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    March 08, 2017 Coastal Arborist Association Lunch & Learn
    March 01, 2017 GAA Crane Safety Workshop
    February 13, 2017 Coastal Arborist Association Lunch & Learn
    January 10, 2017 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    December 16, 2016 Tree Climber Social, "Small Wood Lot Management"
    December 15, 2016 Winter Workshop and Awards Luncheon
    December 14, 2016 Live Oaks in the Built Environment
    December 13, 2016 Pest Manager Training
    December 12, 2016 Chainsaw Safety and Technical Tree Felling
    December 07, 2016 GUFC Arborist Refresher Course / Athens, GA
    December 05, 2016 NATS Remote Area and Field Trauma Treatment Training Program
    November 19, 2016 TreeStuff Party
    November 15, 2016 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    November 15, 2016 Session 4: Integrated Pest Management for Tree Care Professionals
    November 14, 2016 ISA TRAQ Training
    November 10, 2016 Chainsaw Safety and Technical Tree Felling
    November 02, 2016 Irrigation Training for Landscape Professionals
    November 02, 2016 GUFC Annual Conference and Awards Program
    October 28, 2016 Green Industry Update
    October 21, 2016 Chainsaw Safety and Technical Tree Felling
    October 04, 2016 Chainsaw Safety and Aerial Lift Safety
    September 27, 2016 Pest Manager Training
    September 23, 2016 Trees Atlanta Atlanta Canopy Conference 2016
    September 21, 2016 TCIA Tree Injection Symposium
    September 21, 2016 "Saluting Branches" -- GAA Volunteer Day
    September 20, 2016 Chainsaw Safety and Tree Felling
    September 13, 2016 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    September 07, 2016 Chipper Operator Specialist Workshop (Light Breakfast, Lunch Included)
    August 30, 2016 Workforce Development in Arboriculture in Georgia
    August 26, 2016 Pest Manager Training
    August 26, 2016 Chainsaw Safety
    August 26, 2016 Urban Wood Use Seminar
    August 19, 2016 Summer Symposium Day 2: Tree Ordinances, Construction, and Tree Appraisal
    August 18, 2016 Summer Symposium Day 1: Continuing the Conversation: Trees as Green Stormwater Infrastructure
    August 16, 2016 Session 3: Integrated Pest Management for Tree Care Professionals
    August 10, 2016 Coastal Arborist Association Lunch & Learn
    July 12, 2016 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    June 21, 2016 Responsibilities of Consulting Arborists in Assessing Tree Risk - Webinar
    June 17, 2016 Chainsaw and Ladder Safety
    June 14, 2016 Chainsaw Safety in Athens
    June 09, 2016 Water relations of trees growing in green infrastructure storm water trenches - Webinar
    June 08, 2016 Coastal Arborist Association Lunch & Learn
    May 27, 2016 Pest Manager Training
    May 24, 2016 GUFC Arborist Refresher Course/ Columbus, GA
    May 17, 2016 Session 2: Integrated Pest Management for Tree Care Professionals
    May 14, 2016 GAA Membership Appreciation Picnic
    May 11, 2016 Coastal Arborist Association Lunch & Learn
    May 10, 2016 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    May 05, 2016 CTSP Workshop
    April 27, 2016 GAA Spring Workshop: Resistograph & Soil Fracturing Work Shop
    April 27, 2016 GUFC Arborist Refresher Course/ Richmond Hill
    April 13, 2016 Coastal Arborist Association Lunch & Learn
    April 09, 2016 Wild Azalea Festival
    March 30, 2016 GUFC Arborist Refresher Course
    March 19, 2016 ISA Southern Chapter Chapter Annual Conference and Trade Show
    March 15, 2016 Tree Risk Management Workshop
    March 08, 2016 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    March 07, 2016 Coastal Arborist Association Lunch & Learn
    February 24, 2016 Preparation for Georgia Pesticide Applicator Licensing Exam in Category 24
    February 23, 2016 Integrated Pest Management for Tree Care Professionals
    February 20, 2016 The 18th Annual GAA Tree Climbing Competition
    February 18, 2016 Woodbine Tree Care Seminar
    February 10, 2016 Coastal Arborist Association Lunch & Learn
    January 13, 2016 Coastal Arborist Association Meeting
    January 12, 2016 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    December 17, 2015 GAA Winter Workshop and Awards Luncheon
    December 15, 2015 Green Pro University
    December 09, 2015 Coastal Arborist Association Meeting
    November 19, 2015 West Georgia Green Association Meeting
    November 16, 2015 Society of Municipal Arborists Conference and Trade Show
    November 12, 2015 Seguridad con la motosierra, cortes, y caidas de arboles--Clases in Espanol
    November 12, 2015 Chainsaw Safety, Cutting, and Technical Tree Felling--in SPANISH
    November 12, 2015 TCI Expo 2015
    November 10, 2015 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    November 05, 2015 Chainsaw Safety, Cutting, and Technical Tree Felling--in SPANISH
    November 04, 2015 GUFC 25th Annual Conference and Awards Program
    October 27, 2015 Issues in Tree and Forest Health Care: Diagnosis and Treatment
    October 20, 2015 UGA Forestry for Non-Foresters, Parts 1 and 2
    October 15, 2015 Green Industry Update
    October 13, 2015 Chainsaw Safety and Aerial Lift Operations
    October 08, 2015 Chainsaw Safety and Aerial Lift Operations
    September 30, 2015 Chainsaw Safety, Cutting, and Technical Tree Felling--in SPANISH
    September 26, 2015 GAA Saluting Branches Day
    September 17, 2015 UGA Agroforestry and Wildlife Field Day
    September 16, 2015 Arborist Certification Review Course
    September 08, 2015 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    September 03, 2015 Chainsaw Safety and Technical Tree Felling
    September 02, 2015 Chainsaw Safety and Tree Care Safety in the Right of Way
    September 01, 2015 Chainsaw and Ladder Safety
    August 21, 2015 Pesticide Applicator Recertification Training
    August 19, 2015 GAA Summer Symposium
    August 13, 2015 GUFC Third Quarterly Program -- Post-Recession Development: Conserving Trees for Green Stormwater Infrastructure
    August 11, 2015 Technical Cutting and Small Tree Felling
    August 07, 2015 EHAP Workshop (in SPANISH)
    August 01, 2015 Treekeepers 2015 (Every Saturday morning August-Sept except Labor Day weekend))
    July 22, 2015 Urban Wood Utilization Workshop
    July 21, 2015 Urban Wood Utilization Workshop
    July 14, 2015 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    June 17, 2015 Chainsaw and Ladder Safety
    June 12, 2015 Why Trees Fail
    June 10, 2015 Trees and Construction: Building for Long Term Survivability
    May 27, 2015 In SPANISH--Chainsaw Safety, Cutting, and Technical Tree Felling
    May 21, 2015 The Fine Art of Pruning
    May 19, 2015 Green Industry Update
    May 13, 2015 TRAQ Training--FULL
    May 12, 2015 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    May 07, 2015 GUFC Second Quarterly Program: Urban Soils: Pre- and Post -Tree Planting Soil Management
    April 30, 2015 Chainsaw and Ladder Safety
    April 29, 2015 Coastal Arborists Association Meeting "Lunch and Learn"
    April 22, 2015 Tree Care Seminar
    April 14, 2015 Arborist Certification Review Course
    April 08, 2015 GAA Radial Trenching & Root Collar Examination Workshop
    March 25, 2015 Coastal Arborists Association Meeting "Lunch and Learn"
    March 18, 2015 ISA Symposium: The Costs of Not Maintaining Trees
    March 13, 2015 Green Industry Update
    March 10, 2015 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    March 06, 2015 UGA Horticulture Pruning Workshop
    March 05, 2015 GFC: Emerald Ash Borer Regulations
    March 04, 2015 Green Team Update
    February 27, 2015 UGA Horticulture Pruning Workshop
    February 24, 2015 Chatham County Canopy Summit
    February 21, 2015 The 17th Annual GAA Tree Climbing Competition
    February 18, 2015 GUFC First Quarterly Program and State Arbor Day Event
    February 16, 2015 Atlanta's Wonderful Nature Photography Show
    February 10, 2015 Arborist Certification Review Course
    January 28, 2015 ISA TRAQ Training
    January 14, 2015 Coastal Arborists Association Meeting "Lunch and Learn"
    January 13, 2015 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    December 16, 2014 GAA Winter Workshop and Awards Luncheon
    November 19, 2014 Savannah-area Arborists Association Inaugural Meeting
    November 13, 2014 TCIA Expo 2014
    November 11, 2014 GAA Bi-monthly Training and General Membership/Elections Meeting
    October 24, 2014 Pesticide Safety and Handling Training
    October 22, 2014 2014 GUFC Annual Conference and Awards Program
    October 16, 2014 UGA Extension: Green Industry Update
    October 14, 2014 GAA Bi-monthly Specially Called Membership Meeting
    September 23, 2014 Pesticide Safety and Handling Training
    September 17, 2014 GUFC 2014 College Canopy Conference
    September 09, 2014 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    September 08, 2014 GAA Crane Safety Workshop
    August 21, 2014 GAA / UGA Summer Training Symposium
    August 12, 2014 i-Tree Eco Training Workshop
    August 09, 2014 Hemlock Help Clinic and Training Workshop
    August 06, 2014 Fruit and Nut Tree Panel Discussion
    August 02, 2014 TreeKeepers 2014
    August 02, 2014 Hemlock Help Clinic and Training Workshop
    July 26, 2014 Hemlock Help Clinic and Training Workshop
    July 19, 2014 Hemlock Help Clinic and Training Workshop
    July 08, 2014 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    June 25, 2014 GUFC Presents: Creating Urban Orchards - A Workshop
    June 24, 2014 GUFC Tree Care Workshop
    June 21, 2014 Hemlock Help Clinic and Training Workshop
    May 27, 2014 "Problems in the Landscape"
    May 22, 2014 NATS Aerial Rescue Technician Qualification Course
    May 20, 2014 UGA/Cobb County Extension: Green Industry Update
    May 14, 2014 GUFC Second Quarterly Program
    May 13, 2014 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    March 11, 2014 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    January 14, 2014 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    December 05, 2013 Winter Workshop and Awards Luncheon Sponsored by A Southern Tree
    November 12, 2013 GAA Bi-monthly Training & General Membership Meeting
    September 28, 2013 Tree Identification Training & Tour
    September 10, 2013 GAA Bi-Monthly Training...Greg Levine, Trees Atlanta..."Atlanta Beltline-what's involved and what it means to Atlanta."
    August 22, 2013 GAA Summer Conference
    July 09, 2013 GAA Bi-Monthly Training...Bob Delbridge..."Information to help arborist and clients avoid tree related litigation."
    May 14, 2013 GAA Bi-Monthly Training...Steve Pettis..."Small Tree handling and care includes planting technique."
    March 12, 2013 GAA Bi-Monthly Training...Peter Jenkins..."Increasing the work force and awareness of trees with recreational tree climbing."
    March 02, 2013 Tree Climbers International Family Tree Climb sponsored by Davey Tree
    March 02, 2013 The 16th Annual 2013 GAA TCC Competitor Registration
    March 02, 2013 The 16th Annual 2013 GAA Tree Climbing Championship
    March 02, 2013 The 16th Annual 2013 GAA TCC Judge / Volunteer Registration
    March 01, 2013 GAA Hands On Ground Worker - Volunteer
    January 08, 2013 Designing With Trees – How They Fit In Your Landscape .... Nancy Beckemeyer, Landscape Architect / Certified Arborist
    December 13, 2012 TCC Sponsorship 2013 Opportunities
    December 04, 2012 Sponsor the GAA Awards Luncheon & Winter Workshop
    December 04, 2012 GAA Awards Luncheon & Winter Workshop...FREE for GAA Members!
    November 27, 2012 GUFC Presents: Controlling Invasive Pests in the Urban Forest
    November 13, 2012 Comparison of Rigging and Cabling Systems - Another Tree Service That Companies Can Sell To Expand Their Business.
    September 21, 2012 Vermeer SE Presents N.A.T.S. Arborist Training Seminar
    September 11, 2012 GAA Bi-Monthly Training...Dr. Coder...Fall Leaf Color and Biology
    September 11, 2012 Officer Nominations for VP, Secretary/Treasurer & Delegate 2013 GAA Board
    September 05, 2012 Warnell Continuing Education Course with Arborist and Forester credits
    August 23, 2012 Georgia Arborist Association Technology Workshop 2012
    July 24, 2012 GAA Phone Conference Round Table Discussion
    July 20, 2012 Up by Roots Workshop – Atlanta (Lawrenceville), GA
    July 10, 2012 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting ...Dr. Kim Coder
    June 24, 2012 FUN CLIMB Fundraiser
    June 24, 2012 Tree Climbing Benefit for GAA
    June 20, 2012 June 20th , 2011
    May 17, 2012 GUFC All Things Live Oak Workshop and Tour May 17 in Savannah
    May 15, 2012 Conference Call
    April 12, 2012 GAA Spring Workshop...Professional Arborists Industry Update
    March 13, 2012 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting ...Tim Daly, Gwinnett Extension, Invasive Plant Species.....Highlighting Invasive Trees
    March 13, 2012 Gwinnett Extension.....Green Industry Update
    March 06, 2012 Certified Treecare Safety Professional
    February 25, 2012 The 15th Annual 2012 GAA TCC Competitor WAIT LIST
    February 25, 2012 The 15th Annual 2012 GAA Tree Climbing Championship / Sponsorship
    February 25, 2012 The 16th Annual 2013 GAA TCC Competitor Registration
    February 25, 2012 The 15th Annual 2012 GAA TCC Judge / Volunteer Registration
    February 08, 2012 UGA Arborist Safety Training featuring NATS
    January 12, 2012 UGA Arborist Safety Training featuring NATS
    December 13, 2011 GAA Board Meeting
    December 07, 2011 GAA FALL Workshop...Professional Arborists Industry Update
    December 01, 2011 UGA Arborist Safety Training featuring NATS
    November 18, 2011 Save-A-Heart........CPR & First Aid Certification
    November 18, 2011 NATS Presents Emergency Response & Climbing Aerial Resc.
    November 08, 2011 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting ............Dan Bauer...Residual Effects of Drought on Trees
    October 23, 2011 Tree Climbing Fundraiser
    October 13, 2011 Gwinnett Extension Green Industry Update
    October 11, 2011 GAA Board Meeting
    September 27, 2011 GREEN INDUSTRY UPDATE
    September 23, 2011 Vermeer SE Presents N.A.T.S. Arborist Training Seminar
    September 14, 2011 Gold in Your Garden II
    September 13, 2011 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting ............Dr. David R. Coyle...Shade Tree Insect ID & Control
    August 25, 2011 GAA Summer Workshop...Professional Arborists Industry Update
    August 10, 2011 Planting Native Trees and Battling Invasives: GUFC Third Quarterly Program
    August 09, 2011 GAA Board Meeting
    July 12, 2011 2011 GAA Board Secretary Nomination
    July 12, 2011 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting ............ Dr. Kim Coder: Storms & Wind Tree Loads
    June 29, 2011 North Georgia Turfgrass Field Day
    June 28, 2011 GUFC Tree Health in Retail Areas
    May 24, 2011 RESCHEDULED...GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting
    May 20, 2011 Save-A-Heart........CPR & First Aid Certification
    March 08, 2011 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting
    March 01, 2011 Certified Treecare Safety Professional
    February 25, 2011 Commercial Pesticide Applicator Recertification Workshop
    February 10, 2011 2011 Dekalb County Green Industry Update
    February 08, 2011 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting
    January 29, 2011 The 14th Annual GAA 2011 Tree Climbing Championship
    January 29, 2011 Competitor - GAA 2011 Tree Climbing Championship
    January 29, 2011 TCC Sponsorship 2011 Opportunities
    January 29, 2011 2011 Financial Donation
    January 29, 2011 2011 Competitor T-Shirt Donation
    January 29, 2011 2011 Judge Volunteer T-Shirt Donation
    January 29, 2011 2011 Event Day Lunch Donation
    January 29, 2011 2011 Event Pruning & Site Prep Days Lunch Donation
    January 29, 2011 2011 Drinks / Snacks Donation
    January 29, 2011 2011 Plaques Donation
    January 29, 2011 2011 Event Site Donation
    January 27, 2011 Volunteer - GAA 2011 Tree Climbing Championship
    January 15, 2011 Rope Splicing Class by North American Training Solutions
    December 14, 2010 5th Annual Awards Ceremony & Dinner
    November 16, 2010 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting
    November 16, 2010 2011 GAA Board Nomination
    November 09, 2010 GAA Board Meeting
    October 27, 2010 Pesticide Applicator Training
    October 12, 2010 GAA Board Meeting
    October 07, 2010 Commercial Pesticide Applicator Recertification Workshop
    September 28, 2010 Green Industry Update - Cobb Co. Water Lab
    September 18, 2010 NATS Presents: Rope Splicing Class
    September 14, 2010 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting
    September 14, 2010 GAA Board Meeting
    September 08, 2010 Emerging Issues in Tree and Forest Health: Diagnosis and Treatment
    August 10, 2010 GAA Board Meeting
    July 13, 2010 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting
    July 13, 2010 GAA Board Meeting
    June 08, 2010 GAA Board Meeting
    May 22, 2010 Trees Atlanta 2010 City in the Arboretum Conference: Bringing the Arboretum Home
    May 18, 2010 Green Industry Update - Cobb Co. Water Lab
    May 11, 2010 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting @ THE TUCKER RECREATION CENTER
    May 11, 2010 GAA Board Meeting
    April 13, 2010 GAA Board Meeting
    March 16, 2010 Category 24 Ornamental and Turf Pesticide Applicator Training
    March 09, 2010 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting "Tree Injection Systems"
    March 09, 2010 GAA Board Meeting
    March 09, 2010 Basics of Tree Biology and Care Rob Swanson
    March 05, 2010 I.S.A. Certification Exam
    March 01, 2010 NATS Presents: Arboriculture in the Blue Ridge Mountains
    February 27, 2010 TCC COMPETITOR 2010 Registration
    February 26, 2010 Turf and Landscape Updates of Central Georgia
    February 26, 2010 Landscape Update for Central Georgia – Perry
    February 25, 2010 TCC Volunteer 2010 Registration
    February 25, 2010 TCC Sponsorship 2010 Opportunities
    February 25, 2010 I.S.A. Certification Exam
    February 23, 2010 Annual Arbor Symposium-SEATS ARE FULL
    February 19, 2010 Save-A-Heart........CPR & First Aid Certification
    February 19, 2010 Basic Tree Care Workshop in Dalton with Kris Thomas
    February 19, 2010 Emergency Response & Climbing Aerial Resc.
    February 18, 2010 "New Tree Planting Systems" with Dr. Kim Coder
    February 18, 2010 Com. Pesticide Applicator Recert Workshop
    February 16, 2010 Southern Green - Albany, GA
    February 09, 2010 GAA Board Meeting
    February 04, 2010 Southeast Georgia Landscape Update – Waycross, GA
    January 29, 2010 4th Annual Awards Ceremony & Dinner
    January 26, 2010 GREEN INDUSTRY UPDATE
    January 16, 2010 NATS "Chainsaw Safety & Technical Falling Seminar" early registration discount
    January 15, 2010 Turf and Landscape Updates of Central Georgia
    January 15, 2010 NATS "Chainsaw Safety & Technical Falling Seminar" early registration discount
    January 12, 2010 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting "Diagnostic Techniques for Arborist"
    January 12, 2010 GAA Board Meeting
    January 11, 2010 2010 GAA Board Nomination Form
    October 16, 2009 GAA Fall Workshop - Dr. Kim Coder - Lightning Systems
    October 10, 2009 Center for Puppetry Arts Volunteer Project
    September 28, 2009 GREEN INDUSTRY UPDATE
    July 14, 2009 BI-Monthly Training Meeting
    March 23, 2009 NATS Training Programs Offered in Georgia
    March 21, 2009 Risk Assessment for Urban Trees
    March 19, 2009 ISA-Certified Arborist Test Prep Course (Live Lecture)
    March 10, 2009 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting
    March 07, 2009 Diagnosing Tree Problems
    February 27, 2009 Commercial Pesticide Applicator Recertification Clinic
    February 21, 2009 Tree Pest Management
    February 08, 2009 TCIA Winter Management Conference 2009
    February 07, 2009 Urban Tree Care
    February 05, 2009 Arborist’s Certification Review
    February 04, 2009 GAA Exhibit @ Howard Brothers Pro Day.....
    January 31, 2009 Donation Form Georgia Arborist Association
    January 24, 2009 Urban Tree Planting and Selection
    January 24, 2009 Certificate in Professional Tree Care Courses
    January 10, 2009 3rd Annual Awards Ceremony & Dinner
    January 10, 2009 The 12th Annual 2009 TCC COMPETITOR Registration
    January 09, 2009 The 12th Annual 2009 TCC Volunteer Registration
    January 01, 2009 2009 TCC Sponsorship Opportunities
    December 09, 2008 Georgia Arborist Association Board Meeting
    November 13, 2008 TCI EXPO'08
    November 13, 2008 TCIA Expo Milwaukee 2008
    November 11, 2008 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting
    November 07, 2008 ISA Certification Exam, Athens, GA
    October 25, 2008 GAA Volunteer Pruning Project @ The Andersonville National Historic Site
    October 14, 2008 Georgia Arborist Association Board Meeting
    October 01, 2008 Development of Autumn Leaf Color in North Georgia
    September 27, 2008 Vermeer-Arborist Training Seminar
    September 25, 2008 Green Industry Update
    September 25, 2008 Vermeer-Arborist Training Seminar
    September 25, 2008 The 7th Annual Tree Climbers Rendezvous
    September 23, 2008 Green Industry Update
    September 20, 2008 Certified Arborist Recertification Course
    September 19, 2008 ISA Certified Tree Worker/Climber Specialists Exam
    September 18, 2008 ISA-Certified Arborist Test Prep Course
    September 09, 2008 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting
    September 01, 2008 Officer Nominations for 2009 GAA Board
    August 22, 2008 TCC Trailer Logo Purchase
    August 14, 2008 Arborist Recertification Workshop
    August 12, 2008 Georgia Arborist Association Board Meeting
    August 08, 2008 I.S.A. Certification Review and Exam
    August 07, 2008 GUFC 3rd Quarterly Program
    July 26, 2008 ISA's 84th 2008 Conference & Trade Show
    July 19, 2008 Certified Arborist Recertification Course
    July 18, 2008 ISA Certification Exam, Decatur, GA
    July 08, 2008 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting
    June 10, 2008 Georgia Arborist Association Board Meeting
    June 04, 2008 TCIA (CTSP) Certified Treecare Safety Professional
    May 31, 2008 CANCELLED...GAA Hands On Ground Worker - Volunteer
    May 31, 2008 CANCELLED GAA Hands On Ground Worker Workshop
    May 19, 2008 TCIA EHAP Workshop-Spanish
    May 14, 2008 Opinion Survey
    May 13, 2008 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting
    May 12, 2008 TCIA EHAP Workshop
    April 18, 2008 ISA Certification Exam
    April 11, 2008 ISA Certified Arborist Training-REGISTRATION IS FULL.
    April 11, 2008 Vermeer-Arborist Training Seminar
    April 08, 2008 Georgia Arborist Association Board Meeting
    April 04, 2008 ISA Certified Arborist Training-REGISTRATION IS FULL.
    March 28, 2008 ISA Certified Arborist Training-REGISTRATION IS FULL.
    March 20, 2008 ISA-Certified Arborist Test Prep Course
    March 15, 2008 ISA Certified Arborist & Tree Worker Exam / ISA Southern Chapter 66th Annual Conference & Trade Show
    March 15, 2008 ISA Southern Chapter 66th Annual Conference & Trade Show
    March 11, 2008 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting
    March 02, 2008 2008 Annual GVMA Meeting
    March 01, 2008 ISA-Certified Arborist Recertification Course NEW!
    March 01, 2008 The 11th Annual 2008 TCC Volunteer Registration
    March 01, 2008 The 11th Annual 2008 TCC COMPETITOR Registration
    February 29, 2008 Competitor / Judge Meeting, 2008 TCC
    February 29, 2008 2008 TCC Sponsorship Form
    February 27, 2008 GUFC Basic Tree Care Workshop
    February 23, 2008 Georgia Pesticide License Test Prep Course NEW!
    February 23, 2008 Site Prep Day for the 2008 TCC
    February 22, 2008 ISA Certified Arborist Training
    February 20, 2008 GUFC Basic Tree Care Workshop
    February 15, 2008 DeKalb County Tree Contest
    February 14, 2008 Save-A-Heart........CPR & First Aid Certification Class
    February 14, 2008 GUFC Basic Tree Care Workshop
    February 13, 2008 GUFC Basic Tree Care Workshop
    February 12, 2008 Georgia Arborist Association Board Meeting
    February 09, 2008 Turf & Ornamental Category 24 Pesticide License Recertification Course NEW!
    February 06, 2008 GAA Exhibit @ Howard Brothers Pro Day
    February 01, 2008 Donation Form Georgia Arborist Association
    January 08, 2008 GAA Bi-Monthly Training Meeting

    Georgia Arborist Association

    Email:  info@georgiaarborist.org
    Phone:  (404) 913-1422
    Address:  GAA ~ P.O. Box 2516, Decatur GA 30031

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