Webinar 4: Introduction to Woodland Health Assessment & Incorporating Woodland Health Practices into Your Business
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Interview provided for viewing before webinar: landowner who has implemented practices, Marquerite Klein or Chuck Lewis.
Description: This webinar starts with an introduction to the Woodland Health Assessment Checklist and how to use it to educate and motivate your clients to address issues with their property and management actions you can offer. This check-list can be used to develop a land care plan. The plan further details land care practices for your client’s consideration. Further discussion will discuss marketing your services and how and when to include a forestry professional for certain practices. A review of the webinar series will focus on benefits and challenges for this niche area of services, who to contact for more information, and suggestions on how to get started.
Chapters covered in Woodland Health Practices Handbook: Chapters 2 & 5. Also include the Woodland Health Practices Assessment Checklist (pages 76-85 in handbook).
Julianne Schieffer, Penn State Extension, Extension Urban Forester
Joe Lehnen, Virginia Dept. of Forestry, Forest Utilization & Marketing Specialist
Jonathan Kays, University of Maryland Extension, Forestry Extension Specialist
There will be both ISA arborist and SAF forester continuing ed. credits available for each webinar, though to receive the credits attending the webinar(s) is required. Through a part of an urban wood utilization LSR grant partnering with Virginia grant, the Ga Forestry Commission is offering scholarships for the $35 registration fee. To receive the scholarships please use the link below and go through the following steps:
Go to the Register (Individual) tab & fill in required information. A registrar from Georgia MUST:
1) Fill in "GA Scholarship" in the comments section (under email) to receive the paid in full scholarship
2) Fill in ISA and/or SAF numbers to receive continuing education credits - must actually attend the individual webinars for credit
2) Click on Pay By Check (Checks Payable to Trees Virginia) to receive the links to the webinar
*You DO NOT need to pay anything or send a "check" as Virginia will invoice us for the number of attendees from Georgia.
REGISTRATION: Register online!
Once you have registered, you should receive a link for you to use for the webinars. If you do not receive a confirmation and link please contact
Dru Preston, Georgia Forestry Commission,
M: 478 – 283 – 5117, dpreston@gfc.state.ga.us