Gwinnett Extension
Green Industry Update
March 13, 2012
at Gwinnett Tech
Time: 8:00am to 3:15pm.
Location: Gwinnett Technical College, Building 100, Room 707, 5150 Sugarloaf Parkway, Lawrenceville, GA 30043
The event will offer five credit hours for Georgia Commercial Pesticide Applicators license in the following categories:
--plant agriculture (21)
--ornamental and turf (24)
--aquatic pest control (26)
--right-of-way (27).
Additionally participants will be able to receive 4.5 credit hours for ISA arborist certification, five credit hours for Georgia Certified Landscape Professional (GCLP) certification and 0.50 GCSAA golf course education points.
8:00-8:45 am - Registration and check-in
8:45-9:00 am
Introduction – Timothy Daly County Agent, Gwinnett County Extension; Aaron Poulsen, Director of the Environmental Horticulture Department, Gwinnett Technical College
9:00-10:00 am
Pesticide division regulatory update - Rick Hayes, Pesticide Field Agent, Georgia Department of Agriculture
10:00-11:00 am
Vegetation management for storm water best management practices – Frank Henning, The University of Georgia, EPA Southeast Region Water Resources Liaison
11:00-12:00 pm
Turfgrass pest identification - Dr. Clint Waltz, Extension Turfgrass Specialist, The University of Georgia, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
12:00-1:00 pm - Lunch on your own
1:00-2:00 pm
Pesticide safety in the landscape - Mr. Rolando Orellana, Safety Training Coordinator, The University of Georgia Center for Urban Agriculture
2:00-3:00 pm
Emerging insect pests of trees - Dr. David Coyle, Postdoctoral Research Associate, The University of Georgia Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
3:00-3:15 pm - Conclusion and credits
The cost is $10.00 per person.
Make checks payable to Gwinnett Cooperative Fund.
You can pay at the door but pre-registration is required by Thursday, March 8, 2012.
To pre-register or if you have any questions please contact Timothy Daly, Gwinnett County Extension Agent at 678-377-4010 or